Triode & Mini Bayard-Alpert
Hot Ionization Gauges
These ETI Mini Bayard-Alpert style and ETI8138/29D20 Triode style hot ionization gauge tubesmeasure a wide vacuum range. Smaller thanstandard glass Bayard-Alpert gauges they are idealfor use in analytical instrumentation. Accidentalexposure to atmosphere at normal operatingtemperatures will not damage the gauge because ofthe use of the thoria-coated iridium filaments.
Part# Description
3103-8332-11 8138/29D20 Triode Mini Glass with 3/4” Kovar Tube End Connection
3103-8330-11 Mini Bayard-Alpert Glass with 3/4” Kovar Tube End Connection
电话:010 58957122
传真:010 58957121