Dichrotome Dual Emission Extension
Perform Dual-Emission and FRET experiments with a new degree of sophistication and image quality!
- Split your image into two colors, thus creating a dual wavelength image on a single CCD-Chip!
- Switch between different colors separation schemes with a simple computer command!
- Create your own excitation/emission color matrix for optimal FRET ratioing!
The Dichrotome Dual Emission Extension is an extension of the award winning digital iMIC Digital Microscope.
Together with an Oligochrome or Polychrome light source, which allow to switch excitation wavelengths in <1 ms, and with the DSP-based real-time imaging platform, which brings microsecond precision to your imaging protocols, it makes FRET experiments and other ratioing-based imaging techniques easier than ever.
- Simultaneous acquisition of two fluorescence emission images on a single CCD-chip
- Variable slit to adjust the image size
- Integration into automated measuring protocols
- Easy switching to other applications like TIRF or Ca2+ Imaging
- real-time dual-color imaging
- GFP/YFP and GFP/RFP FRET imaging
- Calcium imaging with Fluo4/Fura Red
- Dual emission Indo-1 imaging
- Simultaneous Calcium/pH imaging w/Fura-2 and BCECF
The Dichrotome Dual Emission Extension employs a modification of the original Hamamatsu w-view concept and provides a seamless integration into the iMIC Digital Microscope: