改性的石墨化碳黑填充色谱柱graphite Carbon black
改性的石墨化碳黑填充色谱柱graphite Carbon black 详细信息:
石墨化碳黑(GCB)是碳黑在惰性气体(通常为氩气)保护下加热到2700 ℃左右生成的一种碳材料。在高温条件下,碳黑内部和表面的大空隙结构被破坏,表面生成光滑、无孔的石墨晶型结构。因此GCB表面的碳原子之间都是SP2杂化,有单电子对和活泼离子,并具有六边形的微观结构。
改性的石墨化碳黑填充色谱柱graphite Carbon black 测试谱图:
Modified graphitized carbon black packed column graphite Carbon black
Modified graphitized carbon black packed column graphite Carbon black Details:
Name: Modified graphitized carbon black
Specification: 3m*3mm
Liquefied Gas Analysis
MTBE analysis
C4 separation
Graphitized carbon black (GCB) is a carbon material produced by heating carbon black to about 2700 ℃ under the protection of an inert gas (usually argon). Under high temperature conditions, the large void structure inside and on the surface of carbon black is destroyed, and a smooth, non-porous graphite crystal structure is formed on the surface. Therefore, the carbon atoms on the GCB surface are all SP2 hybrids, with single electron pairs and active ions, and have a hexagonal microstructure.
Different from materials such as carbon black and activated carbon, the surface of GCB is generally hydrophobic and can adsorb non-J and weak J compounds; secondly, there are some J sites on the surface, so that it can adsorb J compounds or act as an anion exchanger. Therefore, it can adsorb both non-J and weak J compounds as well as J compounds, showing a wide adsorption spectrum for compounds.
Modified graphitized carbon black packed chromatographic column graphite Carbon black test spectrum: