岛津MS-13X填充柱超快速天然气分析 详细信息:
浩瀚色谱(山东)应用技术开发有限公司新开发出通用型TCD检测器,5min 内完成天然气的分析。该系统峰面积重复性良好,RSD 小于1%,检出限低,硫化氢及其他组分 小于10ppm,适合天然气的快速分析。
岛津MS-13X填充柱超快速天然气分析 测试谱图:

Shimadzu MS-13X packed column ultra-fast natural gas analysis
Shimadzu MS-13X packed column ultra-fast natural gas analysis Details:
Name: Packed column
Specification: 3m*1/8
Model: MS-13X
Application: Determination of O2, N2, CH4, CO in natural gas
Natural gas mainly exists in oil fields, gas fields, coal seams and biologically generated gas. It has the advantages of practical safety, cleanliness, and high calorific value. The main component is CH4, and a small amount of C2-C6 hydrocarbons, H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2 and Inorganic gases such as H2S. At present, the commonly used methods are three-valve four-column packed column TCD+FID double detector analysis method. Its disadvantages are long analysis time and low sensitivity.
Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Applied Technology Development Co., Ltd. newly developed a universal TCD detector, which can complete the analysis of natural gas within 5 minutes. The system has good peak area repeatability, RSD is less than 1%, detection limit is low, and hydrogen sulfide and other components are less than 10 ppm, which is suitable for rapid analysis of natural gas.
Shimadzu MS-13X packed column ultra-fast natural gas analysis test spectrum: