microINJECTOR? Holding Pipette Controller (HPC)
As an added option to the microINJECTOR? System you can hold your target with our state-of-the art Holding Pipette Controller (HPC)The HPC allows you to pick-up and hold your target with vacuum suction then release it with positive pressure. It allows a continuous range from vacuum through positive pressure depending on the position of the pedal. Ideal for holding and manipulating targets such as embryos and oocytes. Also useful for injecting ES cells into Blastocysts. As any of our customers will attest, within a short time you will be proficiently getting transformants.
现货MINJ-3 microINJECTOR? Holding Pipette Controller (HPC)现货MINJ-3 microINJECTOR? Holding Pipette Controller (HPC)现货MINJ-3 microINJECTOR? Holding Pipette Controller (HPC)