
  • 参考报价:电议 产地:美国 品牌:cell-lines-service 型号:Chang-Liver 更新时间:2014/8/28
Designation:Chang Liver
Organism:Homo sapiens (human)
Tissue:Liver, normal
Growth Properties:monolayer, cells pile up at high density
Description:Cells of this line contain HeLa marker chromosomes, and were derived via HeLa contamination. The cells are positive for keratin by immunoperoxidase staining.
Culture Medium:EMEM supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine, 1% Non-Essential Amino Acids, 1mM sodium pyruvate and 10% fetal bovine serum (MG-10, CLS order number 820100).
Subculturing:Remove medium and rinse the adherent cells using PBS without calcium and magnesium (3-5 ml PBS for T25, 5-10ml for T75 cell culture flasks). Add TrypleExpress (1-2ml per T25, 2.5ml per T75 cell culture flask), the cell sheet must be covered completely. Incubate at 37°C for 10 minutes. Carefully resuspend the cells, the addition of medium is optional but not necessary, and dispense into new flasks which contain fresh medium.
Split Ratio:A ratio of 1:4 to 1:8 is recommended
Fluid Renewal:2 to 3 times weekly
Freeze Medium:CM-1 (CLS order number 800125 or 800150)
Sterility:Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria and fungi were negative
Biosafety Level:1
Tumorigenic:yes, in Syrian hamsters
DNA Profile (STR):Amelogenin: X,X
CSF1PO: 10
D13S317: 12,13.3
D16S539: 9,10
D5S818: 12
D7S820: 8,12
THO1: 7
TPOX: 8,12
vWA: 16,18
D3S1358: 15,18
D21S11: 27,28
D18S51: 16
Penta E: 7,17
Penta D: 8,15
D8S1179: 12,13
FGA: 21
CLS ? Cell Lines Service, 2010.
HeLa Markers:Yes
Isoenzymes:G6PD, A
Reverse Transcriptase:negative
Viruses:Tested MHV (mouse hepatitis virus) negative
SMRV negative, as confirmed by Real-Time PCR
Virus Susceptibility:poliovirus 1, 2, 3; adenovirus 3; vesicular stomatitis (Indiana)


Chang RS. Continuous subcultivation of epithelial-like cells from normal human tissues. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 87: 440, 1954.
Murphy WH, Landau BJ. Clonal variation and interaction of cells with viruses. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr. 7: 249, 1962.
Benn J, Su F, Doria M, Schneider RJ. Hepatitis B virus HBx protein induces transcription factor AP-1 by activation of extracellular signal-regulated and c-Jun N-terminal mitogen-activated protein kinases. J. Virol. 70: 4978-4985, 1996.
Chae S et al. Centrosome amplification and multirnuclear phenotypes are induced by hydrogen peroxide. Experimental and Molecular Medicine 37(5): 482-487, 2005.
Organism:Homo sapiens (human)
Age/Stage:72 years
Tissue:carcinoma, colorectal; colon; from metastatic site: lung
Growth Properties:monolayer
Description:This line exhibits tight junctions, and desmosomes between adjacent cells. The cells should be maintained at high density (at least 1/4 confluency). The cells are positive for keratin by immunoperoxidase staining.
Culture Medium:Ham's F12 medium supplemented with 2mM L-glutamine and 10% fetal bovine serum (MG-60, CLS order number 820600).
Subculturing:Remove medium and rinse the adherent cells using PBS without calcium and magnesium (3-5 ml PBS for T25, 5-10ml for T75 cell culture flasks). Add Accutase (1-2ml per T25, 2.5ml per T75 cell culture flask), the cell sheet must be covered completely. Incubate at 37°C for 10 minutes. Carefully resuspend the cells, the addition of medium is optional but not necessary, and dispense into new flasks which contain fresh medium.
Split Ratio:A ratio of 1:2 to 1:4 is recommended
Fluid Renewal:2 times weekly
Freeze Medium:CM-1 (CLS order number: 800125, 25ml, 800150, 50ml)
Sterility:Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria and fungi were negative
Biosafety Level:1
Tumorigenic:yes, in nude mice
Karyotype:The stemline modal chromosome number is 56, occurring at 28% with polyploidy at 12.4%. Eighteen markers are common to most metaphases examined. Normal X and chromosome 13 were absent; chromosomes 2, 4 and 22 were single-copied, and chromosome 12 was 4-copied.No Y chromosome was detected by Q band observation. DM occurred in nearly 50% of the cells.
DNA Profile (STR):Amelogenin: X  
CSF1PO: 10
D13S317: 9
D16S539: 10,11
D5S818: 12
D7S820: 8,10
THO1: 6,9
vWA: 17,18
D3S1358: 19
D21S11: 31
D18S51: 17
Penta E: 14
Penta D: 9
D8S1179: 15
FGA: 24
CLS ? Cell Lines Service, 2011
Receptors Expressed:peptide hormone; neurotransmitter
Isoenzymes:G6PD, B; PGM1, 1; PGM3, 1; ES-D, 1; Me-2, 1-2; AK-1, 1; GLO-1, 1-2
Products:carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 600 ng/ml per 10 exp6 cells per 10 days; keratin


Murakami H et al. Hormonal control of human colon carcinoma cell growth in serum-free medium. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 77: 3464-8, 1980.  
Giuliani FC et al. Chemotherapy of human colorectal tumor xenografts in athymic mice with clinically active drugs: 5-fluorouracil and 1-3-bis-(-2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU). Comparsion with doxorubicin derivates: 4'deoxydoxorubicin and 4'-O-methyldoxorubicin. Int J Cancer 27: 5-13, 1981.  
Lima AA et al. Effects of Clostridium difficile toxins A and B in rabbit small and large intestine in vivo and on cultured cells in vitro. Infect Immun 56: 582-8, 1988.  
White LJ et al. Attachment and entry of recombinant norwalk virus capsids to cultured human and animal cell lines. J Virol 70: 6589-97, 1996.  
Giblin MF et al. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of 177Lu and 90Y-labeled E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin for specific targeting of uroguanylin receptors on human colon cancers. Nucl Med Biol 33: 481-8, 2006.  
Tirumalasetty PP et al. Permeabilioty enhancing effects of the alkylglycoside, octylglycoside, on insulin permeation across epithelial membrane in vitro. J Pharm Sci 9: 32-9, 2006.
