Acquire high-resolution, multi-color images and conduct single-molecule analysis of long DNA molecules with the automated, benchtop Irys. Simply load your sample, set your run on the touch-screen controls, and walk away as the system automatically flows DNA into new channels on IrysChips, collecting images and extracting data. By repeatedly cycling DNA in solution through nanochannels, the instrument can process several gigabases of DNA per hour.
Unamplified, native-state DNA segments of hundreds of kilobases up to longer than a megabase can be loaded into nanochannels. Laser excitation illuminates DNA fluorescently labeled with IrysPrep reagents or user-defined methods in the nanochannels of the chip. An onboard CCD camera, coupled with a proprietary auto-focusing mechanism and control software, rapidly scans the chip. Molecules are uniformly stretched and optically separated in channels presenting high-resolution imaging of single-moleccules without extreme conditions and optics that make other platforms impractical and cost-prohibitive.
Irys instrument control software analyzes the images, extracting positional and colorimetric data in real time. These data are analyzed in IrysView software to generate genome maps and perform secondary analyses, such as alignment and structural variant detection. Data are saved in open file formats that may also be ported to other software packages and databases.