
  • 参考报价:电议 产地:美国 品牌:bionanogenomics 型号:Irys基因组分析平台 更新时间:2023/4/3




irys Instrument


Genome Mapping System


The Irys™ is a genome mapping system that can help genomics researchers with structural variation analysis and sequence assemblies. Irys is an automated platform that uses single-molecule imaging to visualize extremely long nucleic acids and reveal genome architecture in its native state. The fully automated Irys benchtop instrument uses an IrysChip to uncoil and confine long DNA molecules into nanochannels, uniformly linearizing them for high-resolution imaging. The Irys system does not require DNA fragmentation and amplification, resulting in long reads of hundreds of kilobases to megabases

Acquire high-resolution, multi-color images and conduct single-molecule analysis of long DNA molecules with the automated, benchtop Irys. Simply load your sample, set your run on the touch-screen controls, and walk away as the system automatically flows DNA into new channels on IrysChips, collecting images and extracting data. By repeatedly cycling DNA in solution through nanochannels, the instrument can process several gigabases of DNA per hour.

Unamplified, native-state DNA segments of hundreds of kilobases up to longer than a megabase can be loaded into nanochannels. Laser excitation illuminates DNA fluorescently labeled with IrysPrep reagents or user-defined methods in the nanochannels of the chip. An onboard CCD camera, coupled with a proprietary auto-focusing mechanism and control software, rapidly scans the chip. Molecules are uniformly stretched and optically separated in channels presenting high-resolution imaging of single-moleccules without extreme conditions and optics that make other platforms impractical and cost-prohibitive.

Irys instrument control software analyzes the images, extracting positional and colorimetric data in real time. These data are analyzed in IrysView software to generate genome maps and perform secondary analyses, such as alignment and structural variant detection. Data are saved in open file formats that may also be ported to other software packages and databases.



irys Software


The Irys platform includes instrument control and secondary data analysis software.

  • Instrument control software: Set up a run on the intuitive touchscreen and let the built-in software do the rest, generating primary data ready for use in a number of applications. During a run, QC metrics are constantly monitored and displayed on the screen so you stay informed of your run progress and success.
  • IrysView data analysis software: Easily perform secondary data analysis on a separate workstation, and offload large-genome assembly to a cluster if you wish. Assemble a genome map de novo, then compare it to other genome maps or imported sequences to conduct a variety of applications. When finishing a genome, import NGS contigs to order and orient them, using your genome map to provide essential scaffolding information. Import a reference sequence to identify structural variation in your sample, which are displayed on the genome browser or a table that you can sort and export. You can also visualize variation between two different genome maps. All the data are readily available to you to support any application. Export open file formats at any step in the pipeline for custom analysis. Easily dive down from a consensus map in the genome viewer to see the individual single molecule images that were assembled.



The key to generating useful genome maps is precise long-range measurement of labels across thousands of bases. DNA is an inherently flexible molecule that naturally forms coils in solution, hindering accurate direct measurement. Only by using the IrysChip can you overcome this difficulty by linearizing the DNA within proprietary nanochannel arrays that impart a highly uniform stretch and prevent molecules from folding or crossing other molecules.

Generate single-molecule data and create a comprehensive genome map from as little as 300 ng of labeled DNA using our disposable IrysChips. Manufactured in a state-of-the-art semiconductor facility that ensures highly reproducible measurements, IrysChips are designed for efficient sample handling of precious or minute samples in a convenient 3-flowcell format. Choose to use one or all three flowcells at a time, depending on your data needs. Each flowcell contains an array of nanochannels, each long enough to contain intact megabase-length DNA molecules. Following imaging, molecules are flushed from the nanochannels and a new batch of molecules are brought in. This dynamic, multi-cycle feature of Irys allows for high-thorughput linearization and imaging of several gigabases of DNA per hour.

Product Configurator

For help with ordering the correct quantity of IrysChips and IrysPrep reagents for your project, use the online Product Configurator.

