
  • 参考报价:11250 产地:美国 品牌:appliedmicroarrays 型号:300026-6PK 更新时间:2023/4/3


Human Bioarrays

CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray

The CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray offers the most comprehensive coverage of the human genome, as it is known today, for genome-wide gene expression analysis on a single bioarray.

The CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray targets ~57 000 transcripts and ESTs.

CodeLink Human Focused Bioarrays

CodeLink Human Focused Bioarrays provide the researcher with subsets of the whole genome array to enable pathway and process specific research.

The arrays are built in a 16-assay format, allowing for lower sample volume and higher assay throughput.

Applied Microarrays will partner with you to create the required subset of interest.

In addition, we offer catalog Inflammation and ADME subsets which have been compiled in collaboration with expert researchers from that field.

Fig. CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarrays exhibit excellent array-to-array signal intensity reproducibility.

Fig. CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarrays ensure high differential expression ratio reproducibility for robust expression profiling. Ratios for brain vs placenta samples were calculated in this experiment.

CodeLink Human Whole Genome gene classification

Major biological process Number of genes present
Oncogenesis ~1200
Cell cycle ~1400
Cell-cell signaling ~1000
Signal transduction ~3000
Metabolism ~2000
Developmental processes ~1400
Transcription and translation ~2700
Immune and inflammation response ~1100
Protein phosphorylation ~800
Apoptosis ~600
RNA processing ~550
Ion transport ~1150
Protein transport ~450
Electron transport ~500
Synaptic transmission ~400
Kinases ~200

CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray specifications

Number of arrays in set: 1
Number of probes: 54 841
Number of transcripts: 57 347
Number of discovery genes: 45 674 (based on unique UniGene IDs)
Positive controls: 360
Negative controls: 384
Housekeeping genes: 100
Number of probes per gene: One specific and functionally validated probe
Oligonucleotide probe length: 30-mer
RNA sample input: 0.2–2 µg total RNA
Type of assay One color
Storage and handling temperature: Room temperature


product specifications


expression bioarrays


CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray


CodeLink™ Human Whole Genome Bioarray has 54,841 probes representing up to 57,347 unique transcripts. The transcript sequences were selected from the NCBI UniGene build #165, the RefSeq database (January 5, 2004 release), and the dbEST database (January 8, 2004 release). In addition to the discovery probe sequences, each bioarray contains positive and negative bacterial control probes for monitoring array performance. All oligonucleotide probes are 30 bases long.

Probe sets



Dispense count

Number of human probes

One probe/transcript x

54,841 unique sequences


54,841 probes

Positive bacterial control probes

5 probes/gene × 6 bacterial targets


360 probes

Negative bacterial control probes

32 negative control probes


384 probes




55,585 probes

Performance specifications


The following data are based on results from the final product verification studies conducted using a series of bioarrays and targets generated from human tissue.

Performance parameter

Performance requirement

Verified assay performance


Discrimination > 2 base mismatches

Discrimination > 2 base mismatches


1:600,000 mass ratio (bacterial spike)*


1:2,048,000 mass ratio (bacterial spike)*;

1:1,024,000 mass ratio with mRNA spiking at total RNA level**

Dynamic range

Linear signal response over two orders of magnitude

Linear signal response over three orders of magnitude; 0.05 pM – 50 pM

Signal reproducibility (total CV)

< 20% total median CV

19.6% total median CV;

8.2% median CV for all spots excluding spots below noise

Minimum detectable fold change

95% within two‐fold change for the same tissue

97.6% within two‐fold change for the same tissue for all good spots

Input sample

0.1 µg – 2 µg total RNA

0.1 – 2.0 µg total RNA***

* mass ratio spiking of cRNA control spike into cRNA target

** the lowest level tested in verification experiments with mRNA spiking

*** generates sufficient amplified material for 18 replicates depending on tissue and starting amount

Storage and handling conditions


Upon receipt, store CodeLink™ Human Whole Genome Bioarrays with desiccant at room temperature.

Safety precautions



Standard laboratory safety procedures should be followed when using this product. Safety glasses, a lab coat, and appropriate gloves should be worn at all times when in the laboratory.

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© Applied Microarrays, Inc. 2007—All rights reserved.


All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of Applied Microarrays, Inc. which supplies them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available on request.


CodeLink is a trademark of General Electric Company.



Notice to Purchaser – Important License Information



The purchase of this nucleic acid array includes a limited license for the purchaser to use the nucleic acid array for its own internal research purposes only. The purchaser may not transfer data derived from the use of this nucleic acid array to third parties, and may not resell this nucleic acid array.


The purchaser may not license or otherwise transfer a database of gene expression data containing five hundred data points or more (where a single data point is data relating to the level of expression of one gene in one sample) created through the use of this nucleic acid array to a third party or otherwise use this nucleic acid array to contribute to the creation of such a database for licensing or otherwise transferring to a third party. The purchaser may not use this nucleic acid array for the identification of antisense reagents or the empirical design of probes or sets of probes for using or making nucleic acid arrays.


The purchase of this nucleic acid array does not include or carry any right or license for the purchaser to use such

nucleic acid array in the provision of services to third parties, including the transfer of data derived from the use of nucleic acid arrays. If you wish to use nucleic acid arrays for commercial purposes, including the provision of services, please contact your local Applied Microarrays, Inc. representative.


Additional terms and conditions are applicable to purchases of this nucleic acid array. These additional terms and conditions can be found at and/or in accompanying product documentation.


This nucleic acid array and its use are covered by the following patents owned by Oxford Gene Technology Limited or Oxford Gene Technology IP Limited: US 6,054,270, Eur. 0 373 203, Jap. 3,393,528 and 3,386,391, US 6,150,095 and 6,307,039 and pending patents.

