该相机选择了Sony公司高灵敏度CCD芯片(Exview级别)ICX285AL,使用半导体制冷技术对CCD芯片制冷, 使CCD芯片的温度比周围环境温度低40°C--50°C,而且温度可控,控温精度为+/- 0.2°C,大大降低了CCD噪音,可长时间的曝光;在设计上基于天文CCD相机技术,配以专业级的16bit 高速、高性能、低噪声ADC,与市面上采用12bit ADC的CCD相机相比,具有动态范围大,信噪比高的特点。独具的 stretch功能,特别适合暗场和荧光条件下,同时获得暗部影像和高光影像。因此, 这类相机灵敏度极高, 可检测的波长范围接近1100nm。
Sensor: Sony ICX 285, progressive-scan interline CCD (monochrome)
Active pixels 1360 x 1024 = 1.4 megapixels
Pixel size 6.45 μm (h) x 6.45 μm (v)
Sensor size Chip area 8.9 mm x 6.7 mm, equivalent 2/3"
Spectral range Approx. 350 nm-1100 nm, BK 7 protection glass
NIR mode Mode for higher sensitivity, especially for near IR
Dynamic range Typical > 1 : 2200 (> 66.8 dB)
Readout noise 6-8e @ 600 Kpixel/s
Dark current Typical 0.05 e/pixels/s
Cooling Two-stage Peltier cooling with all-metal hermetic chamber,
-45oC below ambient, regulated to +/- 0.2 degree
Digital Output 16 bits
Frame Rate 3 fps full resolution @ 16 bits, 7 fps 2x2 binning modes @ 16 bits
ROI Freely selectable
Binning Modes 2x2, 4x4,
Exposure Control 1ms to 1000s in 1ms increments
Computer interface USB 2.0
Optical interface C-Mount
Warranty 2 years
Humidity Less than 80% relative humidity