
  • 参考报价:暂无 产地:美国 品牌:欧米茄 型号:PX429-500GV 添加时间:2019/9/17 10:26:17


Omega's high accuracy piezoresistive pressure transducers have a proven record in high performance commercial and aerospace applications for over 25 years. The piezoresistive process uses strain gages molecularly embedded into a highly stable silicon wafer. The silicon wafer is diced into individual die which each contain a full strain gage bridge. The die is mounted in a sealed chamber protected from the environment by glass to metal seals and a stainless steel diaphragm.

A small volume of silicone oil transfers the pressure from the diaphragm to the strain bridge. The construction provides a very rugged transducer with exceptional accuracy, stability and thermal effects. A unique design ruggedizes the transducers by providing secondary fluid containment in the event of a diaphragm rupture.
