小气道位于肺泡和气管的交界处。气道上皮细胞形成连续呼吸道内层,作为隔绝外界有害物质的物理和功能屏障发挥着独特的作用。这些细胞在功能上能够调节免疫反应、产生化学因子进行宿主防御[1]、表达粘附分子[2],并可能通过HLA - DR表达呈递抗原[3]。他们还能产生液体有助于肺液的平衡。许多呼吸道疾病,如哮*、支气管炎、慢性阻塞性肺病和囊性纤维化,都涉及呼吸道表面上皮细胞的破坏。人小气道上皮细胞的培养可为防止呼吸道扩增疾病和重塑提供新的治疗选择。
3000 人肺微血管内皮细胞 (HPMEC)( 5×105 )
3100 人肺动脉内皮细胞(HPAEC) ( 5×105 )
3110 人肺动脉平滑肌细胞(HPASMC) ( 5×105 )
3120 人肺动脉成纤维细胞 (HPAF)( 5×105 )
3200 人肺泡上皮细胞 (HPAEpiC)( 1×106 )
3210 人支气管上皮细胞(HBEpiC)(5×105 )
3220 人气管上皮细胞(HTEpiC)(5×105 )
3230 人小气管上皮细胞(HSAEpiC)(5×105 )
3300 人肺成纤维细胞 (HPF)( 5×105 )
3400 人支气管平滑肌细胞 (HBSMC)( 5×105 )
3410 人气管平滑肌细胞 (HTSMC)( 5×105 )
复蒙基因|FMGBio(www.fmgbio.com/ www.sciencell-sh.com/ )成立于2005年, 是专业从事牛血清生产、销售高端的原代细胞类科研产品。这些产品从根本上提高了全球生命医学研究、人类重要疾病药物研发、新药研发的成功率。近几年的新药研发成功率在逐年下降,其根本原因之一就是传统的药物筛选系统是建立在只具有30-40%人类基因群的一系列细胞株上。这样一个有“缺陷型”药物筛选系统所产生的药物用于人体上就会出现许多致命的弱点和不完整性。新一代药物筛选系统是含有一系列近乎完整的人类基因群的原代细胞株。而利用这些原代细胞株所甄别和筛选出来的候选药物,其诊治人类疾病的成功几率将大大增加。这样不但大大节省了新药的开发成本,而且将极大地提高人类的健康质量。
复蒙基因|FMGBio现有的产品:美国Sciencell(原代细胞、原代细胞专用培养基、无血清培养基)、3D Bioteck(三维细胞培养支架)、年产1000万毫升的内蒙古牛血清生产基地等。
复蒙基因|FMGBio的PI团队已经发展到专职PI 20人,联席PI 312人,其中大多数拥有海外背景。截止到2009年3月,以PI或联席PI为第一作者发表SCI 论文1682 篇(总IF 值为5721.82,其中影响因子IF>5.0 的论文216 篇,IF>10.0论文32 篇)。
电话:021-51262076 13371892488 13816636051
Email:wwwfudan@163.com QQ:739782475 QQ:2451036669
网址:www.fmgbio.com/ www.sciencell-sh.com/
小气道上皮细胞(HSAEpiC)提取于人肺组织原代冻存。每管含有细胞数>5×105 cells/ml,细胞的鉴定通过CK-18、CK-19和Vimentin 的免疫荧光染色证实。经测试不含有HIV-1、HBV、HCV、支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌。细胞可以达到15倍增。
The small airways are located at the interface between alveoli and conducting airways. Airway epithelial cells forming a continuous lining to the airways play a unique role as a protective physical and functional barrier to external deleterious agents. These cells function in the regulation of immune responses by contributing to host defense through chemokine production [1], adhesion molecule expression [2], and possibly antigen presentation via HLA-DR expression [3]. They also produce liquids contributing to pulmonary fluid balance. Many airway diseases, such as asthma, bronchiolitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cystic fibrosis, involve damage to the airway surface epithelium. The human small airway epithelial cell culture may identify new therapeutic options in preventing amplified airway ailment and remodeling.
HSAEpiC from ScienCell Research Laboratories are isolated from human lung tissue. HSAEpiC are cryopreserved at either primary culture or passage one culture and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5 x 10^5 cells in 1 ml volume. HSAEpiC are characterized by immunofluorescent method with antibodies CK-18, -19, and vimentin. HSAEpiC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. HSAEpiC are guaranteed to further expand for 15 population doublings at the conditions provided by ScienCell Research Laboratories.
Recommended Medium
It is recommended to use Small Airway Epithelial Cell Medium (SAEpiCM, Cat. No. 3231) for the culturing of HSAEpiC in vitro.
Product Use
HSAEpiC are for research use only. It is not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.
Directly and immediately transfer cells from dry ice to liquid nitrogen upon receiving and keep the cells in liquid nitrogen until cell culture needed for experiments.
Dry ice.
[1]. Stellato, C., Beck, L. A., Gorgone, G. A., Proud, D., Schall, T. J., Ono, S. J., Lichtenstein, L. M., and Schleimer, R. P. (1995) J. Immunol. 155, 410-418.
[2]. Atsuta, J., Sterbinsky, S. A., Plitt, J., Schwiebert, L. M., Bochner, B. S., and Schleimer, R. P. (1997) Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 17, 571-582.
[3]. Rossi, G. A., Sacco, O., Balbi, B., Oddera, S., Mattioni, T., Corte, G., Ravazzoni, C., and Allegra, L. (1990) Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 3, 431-439.