PCR 分析(聚合酶链式反应)等分子生物学快速检测方法是对传统培养方法(例如用于识别阳性结果的培养方法)的补充。
由于其高度敏感,PCR 还可用于分析啤酒样品,例如在需要快速结果的采样点。 PCR 设备只能处理几微升的微小样品量。为了进行生命痕量检测,必须提前 1-2 (3) 天对培养物进行富集。
产品优点 | 应用 |
- 即用型营养培养基 | - 适用于所有样品类型的通用介质 |
- 不含 DNA 啤酒腐败细菌 | - 约内快速富集48小时 |
- 功能经过测试 | - 与 PCR 和 qPCR 系统兼容 |
9 x 250 毫升玻璃瓶装
NBB? PCR Broth is a sterile, ready-to-use broth (pH 5.7 ± 0.2) for the standardized and selectiveenrichment of beer spoiling bacteria and their subsequent PCR-based detection. These includeLactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus lindneri and Pediococus damnosus which account for approx.70-80 % of the contaminations in the brewing environment. But also strictly anaerobic species ofPectinatus or Megasphaera are responsible as obligate beer spoiling bacteria for 3-7 % of thecontamination events. Although molecular PCR-based methods provides detection and identification ofthese bacteria within few hours, cultural pre-enrichment is necessary for trace detection. Thispre-enrichment determines the total detection speed of PCR-based methods, which can take up toseveral days for slowly growing beer spoiling bacteria.The optimized ratio of growth and inhibitory substances of NBB?-PCR Broth offers optimal selectivityand favors not only lactic acid bacteria but also strictly anaerobic Pectinatus spp. andMegasphaera spp. in their growth. Therefore, successful PCR detection down to species level is alreadypossible after 48-72 h of cultural pre-enrichment. NBB?-PCR Broth is universally suitable for allbrewery samples such as yeast, turbid/unfiltered beers, filtered beers and water samples. In addition,through a specially adapted production process, NBB?-PCR Broth is free of DNA and PCR inhibitors andcan be applied with all market-standard PCR kits.