NBB-OFS 培养基 德国德乐:可靠检测饮料腐败微生物
OFS 琼脂(橙血清琼脂)是一种即用型琼脂培养基,用于定量检测饮料(pH值<4.3)或冲洗水中的嗜温和嗜酸微生物。D?hler 使用真正的橙汁浓缩物代替粉末,以实现快速生长的理想营养成分。除了pH值低至5.0之外,培养基中所含的橘精华和油还可抑制无关的伴随菌群。
另有:SSLBroth是 D?hler 开发的即用型液体培养基。它可用于部分选择性预富集大量样品或无法使用膜过滤的样品,从而能够检测到微量污染物。
在分析微生物敏感饮料和原料(如果汁浓缩物和制剂(例如嗜渗透酵母))时,使用 SSL进行预富集和随后使用 OFS 进行倾注板相结合的方法是可靠、安全性的方法之一。
NBB-OFS 培养基 德国德乐:
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NBB-OFS 培养基 德国德乐:
OFS Agar (Orange fruit serum nutrient medium) is a sterile, ready-to-use OSA (Orange SerumAgar, pH 5.0 ± 0.2) for the quantitative detection of spoilage microorganisms like yeasts, molds, lacticand acetic acid bacteria commonly found in non-alcoholic beverages and their raw materials. Softdrink and dairy samples, acidic mixed beverages (pH < 4) with beer (e.g. Radler) or samples fromwinery can be analyzed with OFS.The selectivity of the culture medium for beverage relevant microorganisms arises due to its specificcomposition and low pH. The use of real orange juice concentrate and its antibacterial essential oilsresults in additional inhibition of gram negative germs. Pre-enrichment with SSL broth or membranefiltration followed by agar plating is recommended for analysis of microbiologically sensitive productswhere trace detection within a large sample volume is a necessity.