- Preparation of DNA libraries compatible with Illumina® Solexa® next-generation sequencing instruments.
The Nextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina®-Compatible) is specifically designed to prepare genomic DNA libraries compatible with Illumina® Solexa GAI and GAII instruments. Nextera technology employs in vitro transposition* to simultaneously fragment and tag DNA in a single-tube reaction. The Nextera library preparation method offers significant advantages over existing methods, such as nebulization, sonication, or shearing (Table 1).
- Only 50 ng of starting DNA required.
- Prepare sequencer-ready libraries in less than 2 hours.
- Incorporate platform-specific tags and optional bar codes (Fig. 1).
- Validated on Illumina® Solexa GAI and GAII instruments.
Nextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina®-Compatible)*
GA09115 5 Reactions
GA091120 20 Reactions
GA0911-50 50 Reactions
GA0911-96 96 Reactions
Contents: Nextera™ Enzyme Mix (Illumina®-compatible), 5X Nextera Reaction Buffer (LMW), 5X Nextera Reaction Buffer (HMW), 50X Nextera Primer Cocktail (Illumina®-compatible), 50X Nextera Adaptor 2 (Illumina®-compatible), 200X Nextera Read 1 Primer, 200X Nextera Read 2 Primer, 200X Nextera Index Read Primer, Nextera Control DNA, and 2X Nextera PCR Buffer.
*Note: The Nextera™ PCR Enzyme (see below) must be purchased separately when using any of the Nextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kits.
Nextera™ PCR Enzyme (required)
EM091120 20 Reactions
EM091150 50 Reactions
EM0911-96 96 Reactions
Nextera™ Bar Codes (optional)
GABC0950 12 Bar Codes (Illumina®-Compatible)
Note: The bar coding kits are optional. Each kit contains 12 bar codes, and each bar code can be used to prepare up to 50 bar-coded libraries.