RDS-08 χ、γ辐射剂量率仪
RDS-08 χ、γ辐射剂量率仪,是以内置高灵敏度GM计数管为探测器,测量环境χ、γ辐射的多功能便携式剂量率仪。作为辐射巡测仪,它可以按照预先设定的地址编码和剂量历史时间,自动连续测量和记录辐射剂量。工作人员可以任意设定剂量率报警值和累积剂量报警值,仪器自动发出声光报警,提醒用户采取有效措施减少职业照射,保护人员健康。该仪器体积小、重量轻,携带方便,抗环境干扰能力强,适用于核设施、核技术应用单位、科研院所、防化部队及环境保护监督管理部门的辐射场调查及事故应急辐射测量,也可用作个人剂量监测。
l 能量范围:50 keV~1.3 MeV
l 测量剂量当量率: 0.01μSv/h~10 mSv/h
l 测量累积剂量当量: 0~10 Sv
l 相对固有误差: ≤±10% (137CS 1mSv/h)
l 报警声强度 > 80 dB(距离50cm)
l 实时动态显示测量不确定度
l 按键启动背光功能
l 与计算机进行数据传输(红外数据通讯)
l 仪器外形尺寸 :80×140×37 mm
l 液晶显示屏尺寸:35×54 mm
l 适用温度:-10○C~+50○C
l 相对湿度:≤95%(+40○C)
l 两节5号电池供电(本底情况下连续开机时间大于700小时)
l 重量:450克
RDS-08 χ、γ Radiation Monitor
The battery operated monitor RDS-08 measuresχ、γ photon radiation dose rate by an internal high sensitive GM tube detector. As a survey meter, it automatically measures and records the radiation dose by means of per-set address coding and historical dose accumulation time. Dose rate alarm threshold and accumulated dose alarm threshold can be set by users to decrease the occupational dose intake by means of alarm, at any time, if any threshold had been exceeded. The radiation monitor is a rugged small size light weight instrument which is suitable for applications of routine survey and emergency response in the nuclear facilities, radiation scientific research institutes and environmental supervision agencies.
Technical performance:
l Energy range:50 keV~1.3 MeV
l Dose rate measurement range:0.01μSv/h~10 mSv/h
l Accumulated dose measurement range:0~10 Sv
l Measurement accuracy: ≤±10% (137CS, 1mSv/h)
l Alarm sound intensity: > 80 dB(distance 50cm)
l Dynamic display of measurement uncertainty
l button activated LCD illumination
l Infrared data transmission
l Overall dimension: 80×140×37 mm
l LCD display size: 35×54 mm
l Environment temperature: -10℃~+50℃
l Environment humidity: ≤95%(+40℃)
l Battery duty life: >700h (by two AA size alkaline batteries)
l Weight: approx.450g