
默瑞生物是Bioo Scientific品牌的中国经销商,欢迎大家咨询订货

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默瑞生物是Bioo Scientific品牌的中国经销商,欢迎大家咨询订货。






    Bioo Scientific的NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit使得研究人员能够在2小时内从低至1ng的DNA完成适用于Illumina测序平台的文库构建。该试剂盒是基因组DNA、FFPE样品、ChIP DNA以及微量临床样本建库的最佳选择。

  NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit在样品的起始量上更加灵活,从1ng 到1ug的3个数量级范围均是适用的。基于磁珠法进行片段大小选择的建库流程免除了琼脂糖电泳跑胶的步骤,同时多达384 种接头barcode更加满足了高通量测序的需求。

  NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit采用增强的接头连接技术,提高了接头的连接效率,得到更长、更多样的测序reads。Bioo Scientific的NEXTflex®试剂盒连接反应和聚合酶反应混合体系确保了高质量文库的构建。

   NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit Bundle

  为了方便用户订购,Bioo Scientific同时提供包含了NEXTflex®快速DNA建库试剂及NEXTflex®接头barcode的试剂套装。该套装现有两个不同的包装。这两个不同包装都包含了48个样本的NEXTflex®快速DNA建库试剂和24个独特的NEXTflex®接头barcode(每个barcode对应两次反应)。


  NEXTflex®的长的、退火的、包含index序列的接头设计不但进一步改进了混合文库的建库流程,也使得样品的设置更加灵活。NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit的barcode对于单端、双端以及混合文库构建都是适用的。NEXTflex Rapid DNA-Seq Kit 可选择NEXTflex® DNA Barcodes,NEXTflex-96® DNA Barcodes,NEXTflex-HT® DNA Barcodes和NEXTflex® Dual-Indexed Barcodes用于大于等于10 ng起始量的样品进行文库制备,也可选择NEXTflex® ChIP-Seq Barcodes 和NEXTflex-96® ChIP-Seq Barcodes用于小于10ng起始量的样品进行文库制备。


  Sciclone NGS/NGSx工作站的运用可以让使用 NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit的客户获得一个完美的DNA自动化建库流程。

NOVA-5144-01NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit8 rxns
NOVA-5144-02NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit48 rxns
NOVA-5144-03NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Bundle - Barcodes 1-2448 rxns
NOVA-5144-04NEXTflex® Rapid DNA-Seq Bundle - Barcodes 25-4848 rxns
NOVA-514101NEXTflex® DNA Barcodes - 648 rxns
NOVA-514102NEXTflex® DNA Barcodes - 1296 rxns
NOVA-514103NEXTflex® DNA Barcodes - 24192 rxns
NOVA-514104NEXTflex® DNA Barcodes - 48384 rxns
NOVA-514105NEXTflex-96® DNA Barcodes (in 96-well plate)768 rxns
NOVA-514106NEXTflex-96® DNA Barcodes (in microfuge tubes)768 rxns
NOVA-514160NEXTflex® Dual-Indexed DNA Barcodes 1-96768 rxns
NOVA-514161NEXTflex® Dual-Indexed DNA Barcodes 97-192768 rxns
NOVA-514170NEXTflex-HT® Barcodes - 6 (in tubes)48 rxns
NOVA-514174NEXTflex-HT® Barcodes 1-96 (in plates)192 rxns
NOVA-514175NEXTflex-HT® Barcodes 97-192 (in plates)192 rxns
NOVA-514176NEXTflex-HT® Barcodes 193-288 (in plates)192 rxns
NOVA-514177NEXTflex-HT® Barcodes 289-384 (in plates)192 rxns
NOVA-514150NEXTflex® Unique Dual Index Barcodes – 1 - 96 (in 96-well plate)192 rxns
NOVA-514151NEXTflex ® Unique Dual Index Barcodes – 97 - 192 (in 96-well plate)192 rxns
NOVA-514120NEXTflex® ChIP-seq Barcodes - 648 rxns
NOVA-514121NEXTflex® ChIP-seq Barcodes - 1296 rxns
NOVA-514122NEXTflex® ChIP-seq Barcodes - 24192 rxns
NOVA-514123NEXTflex® ChIP-seq Barcodes - 48384 rxns
NOVA-514124NEXTflex-96® ChIP-seq Barcodes - 96768 rxns



  Shain, A. H., et al. (2015) The Genetic Evolution of Melanoma from Precursor Lesions. The New England Journal of Medicine. 373:1926-1936. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1502583.

  Gal, C. et. al. (2015) The impact of the HIRA histone chaperone upon global nucleosome architecture. Cell Cycle. 14:1, 123-134. doi:10.4161/15384101.2014.967123.

  Laver, T., Harrison, J., O’Neill, P. A., Moore, K., Farbos, A., Paszkiewicz, K. and Studholme, D. J. (2015) Assessing the performance of the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION. Biomolecular Detection and Quantification 3 (2015) 1–8. doi :10.1016/j.bdq.2015.02.001.

  Yang, Y. A., et al. (2016) FOXA1 potentiates lineage-specific enhancer activation through modulating TET1 expression and function. Nucleic Acids Research. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw498

  Palomo, A., et al. (2016) Metagenomic analysis of rapid gravity sand filter microbial communities suggests novel physiology of Nitrospira spp. The ISME Journal. doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.63.

  Brodie, J., et al. (2016) Characterising the microbiome of Corallina officinalis, a dominant calcified intertidal red alga. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiw110.

  Givnish, T. J., et al. (2016) Phylogenomics and historical biogeography of the monocot order Liliales: out of Australia and through Antarctica. Cladistics. doi: 10.1111/cla.12153.

  Harrisson, K., et al. (2016) Pleistocene divergence across a mountain range and the influence of selection on mitogenome evolution in threatened Australian freshwater cod species. Heredity. 1–10. doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.8.

    默瑞(上海)生物科技有限公司(Morey Biosciences ,Inc .简称默瑞生物)成立于2016年7月22日,其 团队具有丰富的生命科学行业经验和强大的技术服务能力。




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