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Promethion能量代谢与行为观测系统是由美国SSI公司(Sable Systems International)最新研制生产的呼吸代谢与行为观测平台,主要包括实验动物(大鼠和小鼠等)呼吸代谢与行为观测系统、人类呼吸代谢观测舱(Human Room Calorimetry)等。本文就最近(2015年、2016年)应用Promethion系统发表的研究论文做一简要综述。
Charles Robb Flynn等(2015)利用食诱导肥胖(DIO)小鼠模型,研究了胆汁分流术对小鼠能量代谢的影响,发现其与胃分流术减肥手术有类似的效果。文章发表在《Nature Communications》(参见下图)。
代谢异常包括肥胖症、糖尿病、心血管病等成为现代人类健康的重大问题,肠道细菌是影响人类代谢异常易感性的重要因子。Zhongyi Chen等(2016)利用生物工程NAPE表达的大肠杆菌放到饮用水中饲喂小鼠,发现可以减少摄食量、提高基础代谢率、阻止体重增加等代谢异常症。文章发表在《The Journal of Clinical investigation》(参见下图)。
Karl J. Kalyala等(2015)利用Leptin缺乏小鼠和其野生(WT)型,研究了其在不同环境温度条件下的能量代谢、进食量及动态活动情况,其研究成果发表于PLOS ONE(参见下图)。
1. Activation of muscular TrkB by its small molecular agonist 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone sex-dependently regulates energy metabolism in diet-induced obese mice. Chan et al.Chemistry & Biology(2015) 22: 355-368
2. Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 regulates adipocyte lipolysis, browning, and energy balance in adult animal. Zhou et al. Journal of Lipid Research (2015) 56(10):1912-25
3. Bile diversion to the distal small intestine has comparable metabolic benefits to bariatric surgery. Flynn et al. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2015) 6(7715):363-368
4. Chronic CNS Oxytocin Signaling Preferentially Induces Fat Loss in High Fat Diet-Fed Rats by Enhancing Satiety Responses and Increasing Lipid Utilization. Blevins et al. American Journal of Physiology. Regul Integr Comp Physiol ( 2016) 310(7): R640-R658
5. Cthrc1 controls adipose tissue formation, body composition, and physical activity. Stohn et al.Obesity (2015) 23: 1633–1642.
6. Deletion of GPR40 Fatty Acid Receptor Gene in Mice Blocks Mercaptoacetate-Induced Feeding. Li et al.Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol(2016) 310: R968-R974
7. Evaluation of a new whole room indirect calorimeter specific for measurement of resting metabolic rate. Rising et al. Nutrition and Metabolism (2015) 12:46
8. Female rats selectively bred for high intrinsic aerobic fitness are protected from ovariectomy-associated metabolic dysfunction. Vieira-Potter et al.Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol(2015) 308: R530-R542
9. Geroscience approaches to increase healthspan and slow aging. Melov et al.F1000Research(2016) 5: 785
10. High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Ablates Gastric Vagal Afferent Circadian Rhythms. Kentish et al.The Journal of Neuroscience (2016) 36(11): 3199-3207
11. Igfbp2 Deletion in Ovariectomized Mice Enhances Energy Expenditure but Accelerates Bone Loss. DeMambro et al.Endocrinology(2015): 156(11): 4129-40
12. Incorporation of therapeutically modified bacteria into gut microbiota inhibits obesity. Chen et al.The Journal of Clinical Investigation (2016) 124(8): 3391-3406
13. Inflammasome signaling affects anxiety-and depressive-like behavior and gut microbiome composition. Wong et al. Molecular Psychiatry (2016) 21: 797-805
14. Integrin-Linked Kinase in Muscle Is Necessary for the Development of Insulin Resistance in Diet-Induced Obese Mice. Li et al.Diabetes (2016) 65(6): 1590-600
15. Leptin signaling is required for adaptive changes in food intake, but not energy expenditure, in response to different thermal conditions. Kaiyala et al.Plos One (2015) 10(3): e0119391
16. Nanoformulated copperzinc superoxide dismutase reduces adipose inflammation in obesity. Perriotte-Olson et al.Obesity (2016) 24: 148-156
17. Physical Activity Differentially Affects the Cecal Microbiota of Ovariectomized Female Rats Selectively Bred for High and Low Aerobic Capacity. Liu et al. Plos One (2015) 10(8): e0136150
18. Promotion of Wakefulness and Energy Expenditure by Orexin-A in the Ventrolateral Preoptic Area.Mavanji et al. SLEEP (2015) 38(9): 1361-1370
19. Propranolol attenuates risperidone-induced trabecular bone loss in female mice. Motyl et al. Endocrinology (2015), 156(7): 2374-2383
20. The PGE2 EP3 Receptor Regulates Diet-Induced Adiposity in Male Mice. Ceddia et al. Endocrinology (2016) 157(1): 220-232