
SCSR? Fecal Cell Isolation Kit说明书

来宝网 2013/8/13点击1313次

SCSR™ Fecal Cell Isolation Kit说明书


Kit Contents: 

 10 Fecal collection vials (for 0.5g sample size) 

 1 Transport/dispersing medium (SCSR-T, 200ml) 

 1 Cushion medium (SCSR-C, 100ml) 

 10 Strainer bags (330 µm) 

 10 Filters (40 µm) 

 1 Instruction manual 

Storage and Transportation 

Store all reagents at 4ºC until ready for use. Fecal samples must be thoroughly mixed into the transport 

medium to ensure maximal preservation. Samples should be processed within 7 days of collection to 

minimize loss of cell viability. If the samples cannot be processed immediately on arrival at the lab, store 

them at 4ºC.

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