来宝网 2013/7/30点击4355次
Bacteria Resistance:KanamycinMammalian Selection:-
载体特点:Matchmaker Two-Hybrid System 3的负对照。
pGBKT7-Lam is a negative control plasmid that encodes a fusionof the human lamin C protein (a.a. 66–230) and the GAL4 DNA-BD (a.a. 1–147). The lamin C cDNA insert (GenBank Accession #M13451) was derived from the plasmid referenced in Bartel et al. (1993a). Plasmid modification was performed atBD Biosciences Clontech. Yeast cotransformed with pGBKT7-Lam and pGADT7-RecT, provide a measure of the backgroundthat is due to false-positive two-hybrid interactions. pGBKT7-Lam has not been sequenced.