

来宝网 2013/7/9点击2040次

Restek公司(瑞斯泰克公司)是于1985年在美国成立的、专门从事色谱技术开发、服务、产品生产的高科技公司。在其短短的19年发展历史中,赢得了多个奖项:500家高速增长企业奖、R & D Magazine 2003年度100个最有意义的科技产品奖、Outstanding Technology Company奖。尤其值得一提的是,Resteck公司的产品在美国Cassini号太空船服役,历经7年穿行太阳系,于今年6月抵达土星的卫星上进行科学考察。为此,Resteck公司获得了NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Group Award-美国国家航空和宇宙航行局/戈达德(美国物理学家、火箭工程学的先驱者)空间飞行中心集体奖。迄今,Resteck公司已发展成为全球五大色谱配件及色谱柱制造商。
Restek is a leading developer and manufacturer of chromatography columns and accessories. We provide analysts around the world with the innovative tools they need to monitor the quality of air, water, soil, foods, pharmaceuticals, chemical, and petroleum products.
Restek opened for business in 1985, in a single room in a converted elementary school, but its founder and only staff, Paul Silvis, had a vision for the future: to create an environment in which people would look forward to coming to work as much as to going home. Today, more than 250 owner-employees work, play, and celebrate milestones in a state-of-the-art 128,000-square-foot facility in Penn Eagle Industrial Park, in our new research facility in California, and in our subsidiary locations in England, France, Germany, and Ireland.
Along the way, we’ve accumulated many national, state, and local awards, including the State College Business and Professional Women’s Employer of the Year, the Outstanding Technology Company award from the Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County, and the ESOP Company of the Year award from the PA/DE Chapter of The ESOP Association. We’ve also been recognized as one of the Wall Street Journal’s 15 Top Small Workplaces and ranked three times as one of the 100 Best Places to Work in Pennsylvania.
We understand that acclaim is transient, and that our continued success depends on every owner-employee. We encourage these inventive individuals to envision, create, and improve the products that represent them. Our family-friendly work environment provides an array of professional and personal development opportunities and amenities. We are fast approaching total employee ownership.
And, today, our people and products are positioning Restek for even better service to our customers and community. Our sales and growth records continue to draw worldwide recognition, and we continue to turn visions into reality. 
Fax: 021-68409203

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