来宝网 2013/6/6点击1533次
LATOXAN是法国著名的生物毒素生产公司,致力于生产和销售高品质的生物毒素。LATOXAN成立于1982年,是目前这一领域的领导者,他们的产品销往世界各地的医药公司、医学研究实验室和药物开发单位。Latoxan公司在严格控制的条件下,已经收集了世界各地和他们的养殖物的毒液,已与很多著名净化毒素,植物化合物及其他类似的药理学研究机构进行合作。 Latoxan公司还提供技术资料申报纯度和生物活性测定等服务,产品质量和一致性是可再生的研究结果最好的保证 。
Based on a long-standing experience in zoology, LATOXAN is a fully independent company dedicated to the production and sales of high quality venoms and toxins.
Founded in 1982, LATOXAN is now a leading supplier in this field, selling to pharmaceutical companies, medical research laboratories and drug discovery units throughout the world. Venoms are produced under strictly controlled conditions from animals we have collected in all parts of the world, or which were born and reared in our breeding facilities. 上海柒赛科技为客户提供latoxan系列产品www.7sci.com/?brand-47.html。
Purified toxins, plant compounds and other similar pharmacological tools are produced in cooperation with leading research institutions. They are supplied with technical information reporting on purity and biological activity assays.
Our commitment to quality and consistency is the best guarantee to reproducible research results, as confirmed by regular audits from several major pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Fax: 021-68409203