来宝网 2012/3/21点击1978次
Approved Drug Collection
The strategy we recommend is the "SOSA Approach" (C.G. Wermuth, J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 1303-1314). It consists of submitting to the target only a limited number of highly diverse drug molecules for which bioavailability and toxicity studies have already been performed and which have proven usefulness in humans. This initial screening will provide hits that will then be used as starting points for a drug optimization program which will rely on medicinal chemistry expertise. It can be noticed that, if the initial hit has sufficient affinity for the target, it could be immediately tested in patients.
Drug repositioning or repurposing can be an important part of any drug discovery program and has led to several blockbuster drugs (e.g. Viagra and Rogaine). High-content screens, new biomarkers and noninvasive imaging techniques have created new opportunities for pursuing novel indications for approved compounds.
Database containing structures, chemical names and smiles of the compounds of the library, as well as useful physicochemical and biological data, literature references and precautions.
Screening approved drugs accelerates drug discovery:
· 100% known bioactivity
· Greatest degree of drug-likeness available
· Known safety & bioavailability
· Accelerates drug optimization
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