来宝网 2012/3/21点击2270次
Natural compound library
Natural products have consistently been the most successful source of pharmaceutical leads.
Between 1983 and 1997, 43% of antibacterial and anticancer drugs were derived from natural products.
Also, in that same time period, 39% of all new approved drugs were from either natural products or derived from natural products.
Plant;animal;microorganisms;marine species;other natural sources
Alkaloids;terpenoids;flavonoids;coumarins;peptides, glycosides and nucleosides;phenol compounds;
phytoalexins, allelopathic agents, specific sex attractants, natural toxins, unusual sesquiterpenoids and other secondary metabolites,……
TopScience’s Natural Compound collection is one of the world’s largest and this fact has been acknowledged by the companies which pursue screening programs in Japan, Europe and the US. Most compounds have purity at 92-98%. The structures and stereochemistry are confirmed by various physicochemical analytical methods, including NMR (Brucker 300 - 500 MHz), mass spectroscopy and in some cases X-ray analysis.Supplied in 96-well format, with other formats available upon request.
地 址:上海市徐汇区古宜路99号7-802
电 话:021-33632979
传 真:021-34692979
E-mail:info @ tsbiochem.com