来宝网 2014/5/14点击1468次
BioRam 活体单细胞显微激光拉曼光谱仪 |
BioRam?System( Non-invasive optical cell identification and characterization:non-contact and label free Confirmation) BioRam– Identifying and characterizing single cells without labelling,Raman spectroscopy for single cells |
产品编号: BioRam?System |
BioRam 活体单细胞显微激光拉曼光谱仪 基于拉曼显微光谱技术的单细胞分选方法无需外加标记,可无损获得整个单细胞的化学物质指纹图谱,从而迅速识别活体单细胞的种系发生、生理特性和代谢产物变化等,因此对于难培养微生物的功能鉴定和资源开发具有重要意义。
系统亮点概述 相比于利用FACS或MACS原理来进行细胞识别的仪器,BioRam拉曼光谱仪无需使用磁珠,生化标记物或荧光标记物,可在整个过程中保持细胞的活性。 测试后的细胞可以传代培养以用于进一步的实验。在这种过程中,由于细胞的活性保持不变,所以可以对癌细胞的特征进行分析,并可以对它们与各种活性物质相互作用的效果进行分析。BioRam的应用范围涵盖从生物研究到临床实践,可对病人的具体治疗决策进行支持。 图2 对细胞表面氨基酸的拉曼指纹图谱分析 (2)即使在液体环境中,也可对细胞进行精确分析 图3 对于不同血液细胞的拉曼光谱分析 (3)测量技术简单易行 (4)允许培养组织进行非侵入性分析 3、适用范围
图4 BioRam拉曼光谱仪可监测并记录在细胞培养过程中的变化 4、参数 计算机及主机—— CPU:1GHZ以上;内存:500MB 以上;硬盘 80G以上 5、使用方法 (1)开机 1、打开主机电源; 2、计算机电源 3、将使用的激光器电源 (2)自检 1、用鼠标双击图标,进入仪器工作软件环境; 2、系统自检画面出现,选择仪器并确定。系统将检验所有的激光器、电机。 (3)实验 1、实验条件设置 2、观察和采谱:执行测量命令。 (4)关机 1、关闭计算机 2、关闭主机电源; 3、关闭激光器
参考文献 图像参考
CellTool develops various analytical platforms tailored to different applications in biomedical research and clinical diagnostics. All of them comprise as basic components a high-end microscope, a Raman laser, elements for laser-beam guidance, a spectrograph for signal detection and a PC or Mac for automated system control. The platforms differ in terms of add-on modules, sample mount and software, which are adapted to the respective application.
For each system, CellTool also supplies the required consumables, e.g. tailored microfluidic slides, Raman-compatible petri dishes or sample preparation kits for certain probes.
BioRam, CellTool’s most advanced analytical platform, is available for customers.
Adapted to living samples – BioRam comprises all the basic components (see overview), together with a temperature-controlled and contamination-proof chamber for living biological samples and specific software for system control and data analysis. The basic version can be upgraded with microfluidics for increased throughput and contact-free sorting of cells. BioRam allows verification of spectroscopic results comparing them with conventional fluorescence measurements.
Samples can be used without special preparation: as living tissue, in aqueous solution on Raman-compatible slides or directly in culture medium in Raman-compatible petri dishes or fluidic chips. With a 3D-mouse, you can home in on the cells to be analysed and start the automatic generation of Raman spectra with a mouse click. Cells are then automatically identified according to their spectra by database comparison. Measurement coordinates, live images, raw data and all the relevant parameters are saved as well, enabling further analysis or the application of alternative algorithms at any time.
Identify cell types and activity states without labelling and under physiological conditions
Distinguish cells that cannot clearly be differentiated based on markers
Determine stem cell types and their differentiation stages
Spot very rare cells in clinical samples
Differentiate cancerous from healthy cells
Investigate cell–cell and cell–small molecule interactions live
Monitor cellular processes in cell or tissue cultures over longer times online
Preserve cell viability and use unaltered cells for downstream applications
Work with minimal sample volumes
Compare and verify with fluorescence
Slide Insert: For regular 1mm glass slides, coverslips (0.17mm) as well as chamber slides.
3Slide Insert: For a Serial Sections setup to compare routine staining with Raman results (regular glass slides and coverslips)
Dish35 Insert: For the use of 35mm culture dishes with glass bottom.
MultiWell Insert: For the use of microtiter plates with glass bottom.