
epigentek,P-2014-48,植物免疫沉淀(ChIP)试剂盒(EpiQuik Plant ChIP Kit )7折促销

来宝网 2012/3/20点击3261次

中文名  植物免疫沉淀(ChIP)试剂盒
英文名:EpiQuik Plant ChIP Kit
货号:  P-2014

Product Overview

The EpiQuik™ Plant ChIP Kit is a convenient package of tools that allows the experimenter to investigate protein-DNA interaction in vivo efficiently. The entire procedure can be completed within 6 hours and produces far superior results than any competitor kits. The EpiQuik™ Plant ChIP kit is suitable for combining the specificity of immunoprecipitation with qualitative and quantitative PCR'' MS-PCR'' DNA sequencing'' and southern blot as well as DNA microarray.

  • The fastest procedure available'' which can be finished within 6 hours.
  • Strip microwell format makes the assay flexible: manual or high throughput.
  • Columns for DNA purification are included: save time and reduce labor.
  • Compatible with all DNA amplification-based approaches.
  • Simple'' reliable'' and consistent assay conditions.
Principle & Procedure

The EpiQuik™ Plant ChIP kit contains all reagents required for carrying out a successful chromatin immunoprecipitation from plant cells. Particularly'' this kit includes a ChIP-grade dimethyl-histone H3-K9 antibody and a negative control normal mouse IgG. Chromatin from the cells is extracted'' sheared'' and added into the microwell immobilized with the antibody. DNA is released from the antibody-captured protein-DNA complex'' reversed and purified through the specifically designed Fast-Spin Column. Eluted DNA can be used for various down-stream applications.




Product Components

CP1 (wash buffer)
CP2 (antibody buffer)
CP3C (5x lysis buffer I)
CP3D (lysis buffer II)
CP3E (lysis buffer III)
CP3F (lysis buffer IV)
CP4 (CHIP dilution buffer)
CP5 (DNA release buffer)
CP6 (reverse buffer)
CP7 (binding buffer)
CP8 (elution buffer)
Protease inhibitor cocktail (100x)*
Normal mouse IgG (1 mg/ml)*
Anti-dimethyl H3-K9 (1mg/ml)*
Proteinase K (10 mg/ml)*
8-well assay strips (with frame)
8-well strip caps
F-spin column
F-collection tube
User guide

* Spin the solution down to the bottom before use.
User Guide & MSDS

[User Guide]*
*Always use the actual User Guide that shipped with your product. Is the above file locked? You can also request user guides by emailing info@epigentek.com along with your contact information and institution name.

[Material Safety Data Sheet]
References & Citations

Shibuya'' Kenichi et al. (Feb 2009). RNA-directed DNA methylation induces transcriptional activation in plants. PNAS 106(5): 1660-5. PubMed Abstract

Barrero'' José María et al. (Sep 2007). INCURVATA2 Encodes the Catalytic Subunit of DNA Polymerase {alpha} and Interacts with Genes Involved in Chromatin-Mediated Cellular Memory in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 19(9): 2822-38. PubMed Abstract






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