

来宝网 2016/2/4点击1298次

热烈庆祝北京乐博生物成为Prokazyme公司中国区授权代理商! http://prokazyme.com/ Prokazyme produces and sells novel enzymes for research, diagnostic and industrial testing purposes. The company was formed in 2006 as a spin-off from the Icelandic biotech company Prokaria which later merged into the non-profit state-owned enterprise Matis. Prokazyme is based on two decades of geothermal bioprospecting, extremophile genomics and enzyme discovery. Prokazyme (as an SME) and Matis have formed a research alliance and are jointly participating in a number of international research project funded by the European Union. Continued R&D and the strategic alliance with Matis gives Prokazyme the opportunity to exploit vast and growing gene databases for thermophilic bacteria and viruses and to continue to develop new and unique enzyme products. Prokazyme has made a number of agreements with academic groups for marketing of their enzymes and is open for agreements with new academic partners. Prokazyme will consider collaboration in new research projects and is open to discuss possible development of enzymes for specific industrial needs. Prokazyme also continues to make distribution agreements for its products with other companies on the market worldwide. 北京乐博生物联系方式: 网站:www.lab-bio.com 地址:北京市海淀区清河三街95号同源大厦912室
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