
德国Hielscher Ultrasonics www.hielscher.com 德国Dr.Hielscher是德国专业生产超声波处理器的公司。超声波处理器广泛应用于生物、医学、化学等基础实验室、以及化工、食品、医药等行业。该公司产品拥有多项专利,符合多项国际质量及安全标准、并通过了ISO9001质量体系认证。实验室处理量从0.1ml-4000ml,大批量样品可应用连续及冷却装置。该产品运行时噪音极低、噪音仅体现在空泡反应上,如果需要,可配隔音箱,降低噪音20分贝。产品性能极其稳定,自动确定最优频率,可连续空转2年以上。根据要求,所有产品都可配计算机,对输出能量、振幅、时间及工作温度进行控制,以期达到最优效果。 应用: 实验室:样品制造;破碎细胞、细菌等;加速化学反应;除气泡;喷雾;筛分等。 工业:除实验室功能放大外,还有污水处理、清洗、焊接、布匹食品切割等。 其他:广泛应用于制药、食品、环保、石化等工业。 德国Dr.Hielscher公司,产品线齐全,包括实验室用和工业大批量处理用,极易从实验室 放大到中试及生产规模.产品性能极其稳定,自动确定最优频率,可连续空转2年以上. Hielscher Ultrasonics is a family owned business, located in Teltow near Berlin (Germany). The main emphasis of its activities is the conception, development and production of ultrasonic devices for the use in laboratory and industrial applications. Technological innovations together with the realization of new ultrasound based processes substantiated the company growth and its market acceptance. Today, ultrasonic devices made by Hielscher Ultrasonics are being used in laboratories and production plants on all continents across the world. Hielscher Ultrasonics integrates the ultrasonic devices into complex ultrasonic systems, such as wire cleaning systems, too. The systems are produced to meet the customers requirements in terms of power, extended range of accessories and steady state proof equipment.